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Forty-two high school and 38 middle school students from the Sycamore School District were recently selected as members of the 2022 Illinois Music Educators Association (ILMEA) All-District Orchestras, Bands, Jazz Bands, and Choirs.
The number of student musicians selected jumped from 53 in 2021 to 80 this year.
Students who were chosen for All-District ensembles recorded material for judges in competitive auditions in October. Students selected for the jazz bands performed a concert on Nov. 13, while the selected high school Band, Choir, and Orchestra students will perform at DeKalb High School on Saturday, November 19, 2022.
“We are always very proud of all our musicians,” said Scott Mertens, chair of the Sycamore music department. “Our musicians work and practice diligently and persistently, and they must fit in their musical pursuits around schoolwork and other activities. We are amazed and delighted to see the number of selected musicians jump from 53 to 80 in one year.”
Sycamore High School
Students from Sycamore High School selected for the ILMEA All-District festivals include:
High School Choir
Soprano – Cassandra Chamoun, Sofia DasNeves, Lili Jennings, Lexi Lawrence. Alto – Anabelle Christensen, Halle Schmit. Tenor – Sam McDonald. Bass – Zander Cash, Gabriel Jovanovich, Owen Zographos.
High School Orchestra
Violin – Sofi Briscoe, Marlie Colness, Emma Fredericks, Stephanie Kim, Regan Ni, Yu Xuan Ni, Yuxin Ni, Eva Peterson; Viola – Emily Bychowski, Teagan Hagemeyer, Elizabeth Kleckner; Cello – William Akst, Rebecca Allen, Delaney Baylor, Alistair Lanting, Luke Templin; Bass – Daniel Bos, William Harris, Jon Locascio.
High School Orchestra Winds
Oboe – Jake Rundle.
High School Band
Flute – Averi Anderson, Kate Elsner, Alise Goodman; Oboe – Makena Ndicu; Clarinet – Bellamaria Juarez; Trumpet – Aiden Saam; Trombone – Colin Wunner.
High School Jazz Band
Alto Saxophone – Makena Ndicu; Baritone Saxophone – Robert Melnick; Trombone – Colin Wunner; Bass – Daniel Bos; Drum Set – Greyson Decker.
Sycamore Middle School
Students from Sycamore Middle School selected for the ILMEA district festivals include:
Middle School Band
Flute – Lola Boksa, Bailey Rundle; Clarinet – Bronwyn Butler; Trombone – Max Mangini.
Middle School Jazz Band
Alto Saxophone – Benjamin Fitzenreider; Trumpet – Ruben Pittman
Middle School Choir
Soprano – Danayja Barr, Haley Bright, Kailey Heisner, Fiona Long, Vivian Meier, Taylor Peabody, Madelyn Solomon, Aislinn Wickness; Alto – Miles Doty, Cohen Jennings, Paula O’Neil, Claire Russom. Baritone – Devin Carson, Gunnar Schultz.
Middle School Orchestra
Violin – Jack Daskal, Benji Devroye, Sarah Ferguson, Emma Force, Claire Hua, Connor Murphy, Kaitlyn Page, Madelyn Pickard, Teagan Tekiela. Viola – Kane Craig, Luke Curtis, Aubrey Hulseberg, Amelia Weingarz. Cello – Genevieve Hendricks, Aubrey Hulseberg, Jared Lanting, Evan Tonaki. Bass – Grace Pittman.