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District 427 would like to congratulate Andrew Donahoe on being selected as the March Student of the Month. Donahoe previously attended St. Mary's of Sycamore and is now a senior at Sycamore High School. He has worked as an umpire, weed puller for William Hardebeck Organic Farm, and an intern for State Representative Jeff Keicher.
In his free time, Donahoe volunteers in DeKalb County and across the United States. He has been a camp counselor, a religious education assistant, a missionary on a few mission trips, a packer for Feed My Starving Children, an altar server, a peer minister, and a Vacation Bible School group leader.
Donahoe has also served as an officer for Model United Nations, Band Front Ensemble Oboe section leader. He is involved in the Spanish Club, Scholastic Bowl, Northwestern Medicine Discovery Program, National Honor Society, Business Leadership Academy, and Youth Engaged in Philanthropy (YEP). "I've been a part of Youth Engaged in Philanthropy or YEP since freshman year, and they've really taught me what it means to give back, whether it be through your time, talent, or treasure. YEP gives high school students all around the county the chance to learn about philanthropy and how to give back by bringing in speakers, doing different volunteering events," Donahoe said.
Donahoe has not yet decided which college he will be attending in the fall, but he plans to study Biomedical Engineering.