- Board of Education
A preview of the Tuesday, January 12, 2021, Board of Education Meeting
What is Before the Board?
As part of our ongoing commitment to providing transparent two-way communication with stakeholders, we send a short preview of each Sycamore Board of Education meeting. We hope this information keeps you informed on topics that are "before the board" for discussion or action.
Agenda Item 4.0
4.01 - Conduct of Public Hearing concerning the intent of the Board of Education to sell $20,000,000 Working Cash Fund Bonds for the purpose of increasing the working cash fund of the District and $2,900,000 Funding Bonds for the purpose of paying claims against the District.
The purpose of the public hearing is to take testimony from anyone in attendance regarding the intent of the Board of Education to sell working cash fund and funding bonds.
Agenda Item 6.0
6.01 - West Elementary School Presentation
Ryan Schrader, West Elementary School principal, will share some current happenings from West Elementary School.
6.02 - Website Preview
David Olson, manager of communications and community engagement, will preview a refresh of the District's websites.
6.03 - Return to Learning Update
Steve Wilder, superintendent, will update the Board of Education on the District’s Return to Learning plan.
6.04 - Future-Focused
Steve Wilder, superintendent, will share items monthly to help the Board of Education and the administration think forward and plan strategically for our school district's future. This month's "Future Forward" agenda item will focus on student assessment.
The Board of Education recognizes the value of public input on education issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on District matters. Members of the public may speak in person during the Audience to Visitors section of the meeting or submit written documents to the board by emailing comments to Kathy Sloniker at kslonike@syc427.org by 12:00 PM on the date of the Board Meeting.
The public is invited to attend Board of Education meetings in person. Under current guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), only 10 members of the public may be in the same room as the Board. If more than 10 members of the public arrive, they will be directed to watch the meeting in an overflow room. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Board of Education meetings are also streamed on SpartanTV.