- Board of Education
The Sycamore CUSD #427 Board of Education is accepting applications to fill a vacancy.
In accordance with Board Policy 2:70, the successful candidate will serve the remainder of the unexpired term until the next Consolidated Election to be held on April 1, 2025.
In order to be considered for appointment to the Board of Education, interested candidates must meet the following qualifications as outlined in Sycamore CUSD #427 Board Policy and the Illinois School Code.
Candidates must be a:
- U.S. Citizen
- Resident of Illinois and Sycamore CUSD #427 for at least one year immediately preceding the appointment
- Registered voter
Candidates will not be eligible for consideration if they:
- Hold another incompatible public office
- Are a child sex offender
- Have a prohibited interest in any contract with Sycamore CUSD #427
- Are a school trustee
- Hold certain types of prohibited State or Federal employment
In addition, membership on the Board of Education is limited to no more than three (3) members from any congressional township. Currently, there are three (3) members of the Board of Education who reside in Sycamore Township. Therefore, no candidates for this appointment may be considered who reside in Sycamore Township. A township map for DeKalb County can be found on the DeKalb County Information Management Office website.
Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest, including their reasons for applying, and resume to the Superintendent’s Executive Assistant to kvinz@syc427.org by no later than Monday, August 26, 2024 at 3:00 PM.
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