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Evy Bingle Selected as a 2023-24 Scholastic Kids Reporter

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Evy Bingle Selected as a 2023-24 Scholastic Kids Reporter
A headshot of Evy Bingle.

Evy Bingle, a 5th grader at Southeast Elementary School, has recently been selected as a 2023-24 Scholastic Kids Reporter. Scholastic officially welcomed 28 student journalists (ages 10 to 14) from around the world to their award-winning program for the upcoming school year. Evy is the only student from Illinois who was selected. These students will be covering a wide range of topics and will be interviewing newsmakers to report on real-world events.

Being selected as a Scholastic Kids Reporter is no small feat, and Evy's achievement is a testament to her dedication, hard work, and passion for journalism. As a current SpartanTV Jr. student, she has had the opportunity to build her skill set through participation in the after-school club open to 4th and 5th grade students in Sycamore Community School District 427. 

“Evy is a charismatic kid who has a true love for learning. She is driven and is a natural interviewer in front and behind the camera. Her personality is infectious and brings out the best in the people around her,” said Mr. Jon Walter, SpartanTV Jr. Director and 4th grade teacher at Southeast Elementary. “Our hope is that SpartanTV Jr. continues to inspire students like Evy to find a passion for technology, filming, editing, writing, and broadcasting. We want kids to realize that they have a voice where they can inform, educate, and make an impact in our community and beyond.”

As a Kid Reporter, Evy will receive invaluable real-world experience that will help her develop critical thinking, researching, and reporting skills. These skills are essential for anyone who wants to pursue a career in journalism, and the experience that she will gain through this program will give her a head start on a potential career path.

“This opportunity really excites me because I have a love of reporting. I want to tell stories in a way that kids can understand,” stated Evy. She continued, “I really love this community. I want to show people how proud I am to live in Illinois. I believe that everyone has a story to tell.”
We believe that Evy will do incredible things as a Scholastic Kids Reporter, and we can't wait to see what she will accomplish in the upcoming school year. Her passion for journalism and her dedication to reporting on vital issues will undoubtedly make her a valuable asset to the Scholastic Kids Press team. We wish her all the best and look forward to reading her articles.

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