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Introducing Back2School with SYC427

  • Message from the Superintendent
Introducing Back2School with SYC427

Hello, and happy summer break! Summer is a time to relax, reflect, and have fun. But it’s also a great time to prepare for the school year ahead!

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing resources, advice, and events from our staff and community to help you prepare for the fall. I hope you’ll take some time to review these resources and mark your calendars for our open houses, important dates, and back to school bash!

Today, I’d like to share information about schedules for the 2021-2022 school year.

Start and end times will be similar to those we used last year, with some small changes. We will continue to use staggered start and end times primarily to help us facilitate transportation for students who ride our buses. Elementary schools will begin at 8:45 AM and dismiss at 3:30 PM, Sycamore Middle School will begin at 7:45 AM and dismiss at 2:30 PM, and Sycamore High School will begin at 7:50 AM and dismiss at 2:35 PM.

In addition, we will be implementing a district-wide 45 minute late start every Thursday morning to facilitate Professional Learning Communities, or PLC’s, for our staff. We realize that this will have an impact on all of our families, but the benefits it will have on our staff are important. Our district implemented PLC’s approximately 10 years ago, and they were a critical strategy for our teachers last year. The time they spent working together in PLC’s helped them share ideas, streamline our programs, align our curriculum, and implement the new technology we purchased.

One of the challenges in the past, however, was that teachers did not have common time for these Professional Learning Communities. Some of them were available in the morning, while others were available later in the day. This common PLC time every Thursday morning will provide time for all of our teachers to work collaboratively, which we feel is important for our future.

Lastly, I’m pleased to share that our OSCAR program will return in its full capacity for the 2021-2022 school year. Registration has already begun and we look forward to providing this opportunity to our families.

Enjoy the rest of your summer, and be on the lookout for our updates!

  • #FirstDay427
  • B2S
  • Coming to School
  • Confirming Requirements
  • Getting Involved
  • Planning Ahead
  • Staying Active