For 12 years, students and staff at Sycamore Middle School have gathered outside each fall for an action-packed event filled with costumes, team spirit, and running. The event is known as Run-A-Thon, and students and staff at SMS look forward to it each year.
Students form teams among their grade-level peers and seek pledges from family and friends based on how many laps their team will run. Then, on the day of the event, they run.
“It is a positive event where we can have all students in the same grade competing at one point in time,” said Pam Nelson, Physical Education Teacher at SMS. “Students engage in team-building and support for each other. It is also a way for teachers and students to see each other in a different setting and for students to be active.”
Students can earn prizes based on who does the most fundraising, and one team from each grade level can win a team spirit award or a trip to EpicAir.
Funds raised benefit all curriculum areas and enhance the learning environment for all SMS students.
This year’s event will be held throughout the day on Thursday, October 14, 2021 (weather permitting). Individuals wanting to make a pledge can visit or write a check made out to “Sycamore Middle School” and drop it off in the main office.