On Wednesday, May 19, 2021, Sycamore Community School District 427 staff members gathered at North Grove Elementary School for the District’s annual Staff Recognition Ceremony.
During the ceremony, the District recognizes staff for their years of service, but the event served a secondary purpose this year — to reconnect staff of all buildings, in person. Such events are slowly returning to the schedule, but for the past year, they’ve largely gone virtual or were not able to be held at all.
Superintendent Steve Wilder said, “if you work in the same school, you get to see each other on a regular basis, but if you don't work in the same school… this is one of those rare opportunities over the last year or so where you get to see people in person.”
Full time staff who have been with the District for 10 years or more, in increments of five years, were announced to the response of applause from their peers. The District’s retiring staff members were also recognized.
Board of Education President Jim Dombek presented an Honorary Doctorate Degree to
former Superintendent Kathy Countryman. “It really is the highest honor, I think, that we can bestow as a district, and the people who earn this award are really quite extraordinary… this year's award winner is no exception to that rule,” said Dombek, as he motioned toward Countryman.
There is no doubt that our staff are dedicated, and their dedication does not go unnoticed. As Countryman put it, “Our students do so well… [because] they can count on all of you to be around… be their partners… and stay.”
Sycamore Community School District 427 thanks all of our staff for facing challenges with courage and being there for our students; and we extend congratulations to this year’s retirees!
10 Year Service Awards
Sarah Biggs
Drayton Eggleson
Carrie Freeman
Kelsey Gilmore
Joel Knoblock
Mary Maher
Melissa Marberry
Michael Rice
Kathryn Sorensen
Emily Sullivan
Michelle Tranchita
15 Year Service Awards
Rachael Berna
Benjamin Doty
Bethany Fitzenreider
Jeanne Flaherty
Janelle Flieder
Sarah Frankiewicz
Marc Gorecki
Amy Hansen
Kelly Hardesty
Raymond Horan
Charles Jennings
Kimberly Kleiser
Nancy Korth
Clay Meier
Melody Monroe-Birdsell
Alyssa Peck
Heidi Phelps
Dayne Shaw
Diane Stolarski
Christina Swanson
Nora Ursini
Kellie Vinz
Adam Volkening
Jonathan Walter
Stacie Williar
20 Year Service Awards
Matthew Anderson
Carol Brint-Slutz
Bonnie Cortell
Dawn Graves
Mary Grimes
Karla Gulke
Kristina Jordan
James Kohler
Joseph Malecki
Valtricia Sherwood
Kreg Wesley
Barbara White
Dwayne Williams
Kimberly Woodstrup
25 Year Service Awards
Thomas Davis
Ken Tonaki
Cindy Vosburgh
Sarah Ward
30 Year Service Awards
Jodi Holtz
Kathleen Horan
Annette Irving (35 Years)
Eugene Irving (35 Years)
Shelly Bryant (27 Years)
Patrice Pritchard (27 Years)
Conzada Stracner (26 Years)
Michelle Fey (25 Years)
Allyson Holder (23 Years)
Jody Leonhard (23 Years)
Diane Hughes (19 Years)
Susan Lee (19 Years)
Deborah Bond (14 Years)
Sally Bruns (14 Years)
Elaine Dwyer (14 Years)
Karen Larsen (14 Years)
Marijo Schwartz (14 Years)
Reva Murray (13 Years)
Mary Strohm (12 Years)
Rene Hoeve (11 Years)
Kim Hoffhines (8 Years)
Honorary Doctorate Degree
Kathy Countryman