- Message from the Superintendent
Our 2021-2022 School Year in Review
Video Transcript
The 2021-2022 school year has now officially come to a close, so I’d like to take a moment to review what this year looked like across our District…
This was another year of unexpected twists and turns for students, staff, and families… we went into August bracing for that. When we started school, there were still a lot of unknowns in the world when it came to COVID-19. Our students and staff came “masked up”, and ready to dive back into in-person learning.
When it came to curriculum, our teachers and instructional teams really stepped up to the plate and addressed student learning head-on. As we came off of a significant period of remote learning, our staff played a critical role in supporting our students, implementing new approaches to address learning gaps, and improving student outcomes. And it wasn’t just academics… when it came to social-emotional health, our school psychologists and social workers jumped into action to improve the health and well-being of our students every day. It’s obvious that in order to best address our students’ needs, this has required a big-picture, unified approach… listening to students and parents and designing programs that meet academic and nonacademic needs alike.
And I think it’s important to highlight the successful negotiation of a new agreement between the Board of Education and the Sycamore Education Association. It would be impossible to ignore the emotion that the prolonged negotiation elicited from everyone involved. But, the important part is that the process resulted in a new agreement that will allow us to focus on the future.
I couldn’t be more proud of everyone in, and connected to, our school district.. I am proud of our students for their resilience and flexibility. I am proud of our staff for continuing to accept the challenges to support our students and each other. I am proud of our community for coming alongside us throughout the school year. Because of our collective compassion, dedication, and collaboration… we’ve made this another strong year for our students. Maybe it wasn’t the year we hoped for back in July, but we made it a great year by doing everything in our power to continue in-person learning for our schools. It wasn’t easy, but we did it… together. Thank you for all that you’re doing and all that you’ll continue to do in the next year ahead. We’re in this, together.
Have a wonderful summer. You all deserve it. Thank you and take care.