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The Agricultural Education program at Sycamore High School of Sycamore, Illinois has been recognized as a top program nationwide and received the 2022 National Association of Agricultural Educators Outstanding Middle and Secondary School Agricultural Education Program award presented during the 2022 NAAE Convention, November 29 through December 3, in Las Vegas.
The NAAE Outstanding Middle and Secondary School Agricultural Education Program Award recognizes the nation’s most successful middle and secondary school agricultural education programs and teachers. The award highlights teachers and programs that integrate core academic instruction into their program and use new technology to teach students. It also recognizes teachers who construct their programs to meet the needs of the community, school and students.
The Sycamore High School Agricultural Education Program offers the students a wide range of opportunities including livestock facilities, a woodworking shop, greenhouse, and a 40-acre land lab. The program has developed a robust course map that allows students to explore various areas of agriculture while specializing in subjects that are most relevant to their interests and future. The program was led by agricultural educators Christian Thurwanger and Kara Poynter during the 2021-2022 academic year, who work diligently to develop connections and partnerships with local agribusinesses in the Sycamore community.
NAAE is the professional organization for agricultural educators with over 8,000 members nationwide. The organization advocates for agricultural education, provides advancement through professional development for agricultural educators, and works to recruit and retain agricultural educators in the profession. NAAE offers a variety of programs and services to support this three-pronged mission. The mission of NAAE is “professionals providing agricultural education for the global community through visionary leadership, advocacy and service.” NAAE is headquartered in Lexington, Ky.
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