Breakfast Menu -

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Lunch Menu -


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Middle School

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High School

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Logo Licensing Information

A selective focus shot in black and white of paper clips.


The following is the fee structure for logo licensing by the Sycamore Community School District 427:

  • No Royalty - Student, student organization, parent organization and other District affiliated school-support or booster organizations using a logo(s) to promote a group of students, an activity or event, a campus, or the District, and the use is furtherance of a school-related business or activity.
    • The Superintendent or designee shall determine, in its sole discretion, what constitutes use in furtherance of school-related business or activity. They are authorized to revoke permission if the use of any logo is improper or does not conform to administrative regulations (further reading: Brand Guidelines).
  • $50.00/year - Single licensee for promotional use only.
  • $100.00/year - Licensee who resides in or is a business that is headquarted and operated in the City of Sycamore, Illinois, using the logo for retail and other sales.
  • $250.00/year - Licensee who resides in or is a business that is headquartered and operated outside the City of Sycamore, but in the County of DeKalb, Illinois, using the logo for retail and other sales.
  • $500.00/year - All other licensees using the logo for retail and other sales.

Current Licensed Vendors

  • Ash's Stash
  • JENS
  • Re-Nest Studio
  • 35:35 Makers Collective & Vuur Lont Candle Experience
  • Penny and Cade
  • MVP Sports Bar
  • Painted Lady Collection
  • Adventure Sprouts
  • Coroco

Want to use the Spartan Mascot, School Logos, or Activity Wordmarks?

Get in touch with our Communications Department for logo files and licensed use.
