District Assessments
Standardized Assessments are used to evaluate students and schools, improve teaching and learning, and generate important data from which policy decisions can be made. However, assessments are only one of the tools needed to measure student progress.
Our standardized assessments fall into two major categories: State Assessments and Local Assessments. Although local assessments may be used to measure student growth against their peers, many are also nationally normed and can provide a broader comparison.
Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) Assessment Survey Tracker
Illinois statutory law requires school districts to report information about the assessments they administer. ISBE compiles this information each school year and makes it available via the ISBE Assessment Survey Tracker.
ISBE Assessment Survey Tracker
- Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)
- Illinois Science Assessment (ISA)
- Illinois Snapshots of Early Literacy (ISEL)
- Measure of Academic Progress (MAP)
- Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) Fluency
- Next Steps Guided Reading Assessment
The ACCESS 2.0 assessment for English Language Learners (ELLs) is a secure, large-scale English language proficiency assessment for students who have been identified as English Language Learners, and is administered annually to monitor students’ progress in acquiring academic English.
Grade Level(s) Administered
Kindergarten – 12th Grade
- Helps students and families understand students’ current level of English language proficiency along the developmental continuum.
- Serves as one of the multiple measures used to determine whether students are prepared to exit English language support programs.
- Generates information that assists in determining whether ELLs have attained the language proficiency needed to participate meaningfully in content area classrooms without program support.
- Provides teachers with information they can subsequently use to enhance instruction and learning in programs for their English language learners.
- Provides districts with information that will help them evaluate the effectiveness of their ESL/bilingual programs.
Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)
The Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) is the state assessment and accountability measure for Illinois students enrolled in a public school district. IAR assesses the New Illinois Learning Standards Incorporating the Common Core and will be administered in English Language Arts and Mathematics. IAR assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics will be administered to all students in grades 3-8.
Illinois Science Assessment (ISA)
Illinois Snapshots of Early Literacy (ISEL)
Measure of Academic Progress (MAP)
MAP is a universal screen tool designed to assess students’ strengths and weaknesses in reading, language, and mathematics.
Grade Level(s) Administered
Kindergarten – 8th Grade
- MAP tests present students with engaging, age-appropriate content. As a student responds to questions, the test responds to the student, adjusting up or down in difficulty.
- MAP assesses current academic skills/readiness to learn, identifies students in need of further intervention or assessment, and informs instructional practices/materials.
- This assessment is used as a benchmark and is taken in fall, winter, and spring.
Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) Fluency
MAP® Reading Fluency™ is a universal screener and progress monitoring assessment of early reading that can also be used with older students at risk of reading difficulty. Students can take the assessment in approximately 20 minutes, either individually or in groups, using a headset.
Grade Level(s) Administered
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade
- To support growth, early literacy, and skill mastery for every student.
- Data and information to help make instructional and operational decisions for student success.
Next Steps Guided Reading Assessment
The Next Steps Guided Reading Assessment measures reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension and provides information for teachers to determine each student’s guided reading level as well as their reading growth throughout the school year. This assessment is administered to students in the fall, winter, and spring.
Grade Level(s) Administered
Kindergarten – 5th Grade
- Identify students’ reading achievement through systematic observation, recording, and evaluation of performance.
- Analyze data, document progress, and communicate assessment information to administrators, parents, and students.
- Drive effective reading instruction tailored to critical intervention points derived from assessment results.
- Kindergarten
- First Grade
- Second Grade
- Third Grade
- Fourth Grade
- Fifth Grade
- Sixth Grade
- Seventh Grade
- Eighth Grade
- Ninth Grade
- Tenth Grade
- Eleventh Grade
- Twelfth Grade
Fall Benchmarks
District benchmark Assessments
- ISEL (all students) — September 7-17
- NSGRA (all students) — prior to November 12
state mandated Assessments
- KIDS (all students) – October 6-20
Winter Benchmarks
district benchmark Assessments
- ISEL (all students) — January 10-21
- MAP Growth (all students) — December 1-17
state mandated Assessments
ACCESS (ELL students only) — January 12 - February 15
Spring Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- ISEL (all students) — May 2-13
- MAP Growth (all students) — May 2-20
- NSGRA — by May 13
First Grade
Fall Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- MAP Fluency (all students) — August 30 - September 17
- MAP Growth (all students) — August 30 - September 17
- NSGRA (all students) — by September 30
Winter Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- MAP Fluency (all students) — December 1-17
- MAP Growth (all students) — December 1-17
- NSGRA (all students) — by December 10
State Mandated Assessments
ACCESS (ELL students only) — January 12 - February 15
Spring Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- MAP Fluency (all students) — May 2-20
- MAP Growth (all students) — May 2-20
- NSGRA (all students) — by May 13
Second Grade
Fall Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- MAP Fluency (all students) — August 30 - September 17
- MAP Growth (all students) — August 30 - September 17
- NSGRA (all students) — by September 30
Winter Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- MAP Fluency (all students) — December 1-17
- MAP Growth (all students) — December 1-17
- NSGRA (all students) — by December 10
State Mandated Assessments
ACCESS (ELL students only) — January 12 - February 15
Spring Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- MAP Fluency (all students) — May 2-20
- MAP Growth (all students) — May 2-20
- NSGRA (all students) — by May 13
Third Grade
Fall Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- MAP Fluency (all students) — August 30 - September 17
- MAP Growth (all students) — August 30 - September 17
- NSGRA (all students) — by September 30
Winter Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- MAP Fluency (all students) — December 1-17
- MAP Growth (all students) — December 1-17
- NSGRA (all students below grade level in September) — by December 10
State Mandated Assessments
- ACCESS (ELL students only) — January 12 - February 15
- FitnessGram — January - April
Spring Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- MAP Fluency (all students) — May 2-20
- MAP Growth (all students) — May 2-20
- NSGRA (all students) — by May 13
State Mandated Assessments
- IAR — March 7 - April 22
- FitnessGram — January - April
Fourth Grade
Fall Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- MAP Growth (all students) — August 30 - September 17
- NSGRA (all students) — by September 30
Winter Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- MAP Growth (all students) — December 1-17
- NSGRA (all students below grade level in September) — by December 10
State Mandated Assessments
- ACCESS (ELL students only) — January 12 - February 15
- FitnessGram — January - April
Spring Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- MAP Growth (all students) — May 2-20
- NSGRA (all students) — by May 13
State Mandated Assessments
- IAR — March 7 - April 22
- FitnessGram — January - April
Fifth Grade
Fall Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- MAP Growth (all students) — August 30 - September 17
- NSGRA (all students) — by September 30
Winter Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- MAP Growth (all students) — December 1-17
- NSGRA (all students below grade level in September) — by December 10
State Mandated Assessments
- ACCESS (ELL students only) — January 12 - February 15
- FitnessGram — January - April, scores due May 20
Spring Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
- MAP Growth (all students) — May 2-20
- NSGRA (all students) — by May 13
State Mandated Assessments
- IAR — March 7 - April 22
- ISA — March 1 - April 29
- FitnessGram — January - April, scores due by May 20
Sixth Grade
Fall Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
MAP Growth (all students) — August 30 - September 17
Winter Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
MAP Growth (all students) — December 1-17
State Mandated Assessments
- ACCESS (ELL students only) – January 12 - February 15
- FitnessGram — January - April
Spring Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
MAP Growth (all students) — May 2 - May 20
State Mandated Assessments
- IAR — March 7 - April 22
- FitnessGram — January - April
Seventh Grade
Fall Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
MAP Growth (all students) — August 30 - September 17
Winter Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
MAP Growth (all students) — December 1-17
State Mandated Assessments
- ACCESS (ELL students only) – January 12 - February 15
- FitnessGram — January - April, scores due May 20
Spring Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
MAP Growth (all students) — May 2 - May 20
State Mandated Assessments
- IAR — March 7 - April 22
- FitnessGram — January - April, scores due May 20
Eighth Grade
Fall Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
MAP Growth (all students) — August 30 - September 17
Winter Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
MAP Growth (all students) — December 1-17
State Mandated Assessments
- ACCESS (ELL students only) – January 12 - February 15
- FitnessGram — January - April
Spring Benchmarks
District Benchmark Assessments
MAP Growth (all students) — May 2 - May 20
State Mandated Assessments
- IAR — March 7 - April 22
- ISA — March 1 - April 29
- FitnessGram — January - April
Ninth Grade
Tenth Grade
Eleventh Grade
Winter Benchmarks
State Mandated Assessments
- ACCESS (ELL students only) — January 12 - February 15
- FitnessGram – January - April
Spring Benchmarks
State Mandated Assessments
- ISA — March 1 - April 29
- FitnessGram — January - April
- April 13, 2022 (primary)
- April 26, 2022 (makeup)
- April 13-26, 2022 (accommodated)