Through enhances communication skills, builds and maintains lifelong connections.
Creates and maintains open, honest, and healthy relationships.
Embraces diversity and creates and maintains multi-cultural relationships.
Values relationships and balances life’s commitments.
Uses the internet and other communication technology to establish healthy, mutually satisfying personal and professional relationships.
Is an effective team member and team leader… able to help groups resolve conflict, make decisions, and solve problems.
Listens without becoming defensive, encourages and accepts feedback, and continues to build trust.
Uses effective interpersonal communication skills – even when in stressful situations.
Future Conditions
Relationship-building skills and interpersonal communication skills have proven to be keys to success in nearly all aspects of life.
Time, poverty, and stress tend to have a negative impact on relationships, especially family relationships.
Ubiquitous, interactive technology will shape how we live, how we learn, how we see ourselves, and how we relate to the world.
Increased awareness of gender/diversity issues will be critical to relationship building in a cohesive society.
Time-management skill will be critical to building, maintaining, and sustaining meaningful relationships.
The anywhere, anytime workplace will provide opportunities for additional relationships while those working from home may find fewer opportunities to create and build relationships.
Much of today’s work in organizations is done in work teams,
Rapid change, in our personal and work lives, causes many of our relationships to be short in duration.
The aging of our population creates opportunities and challenges for families and relationships.
Collaboration and cooperation will continues to be paramount to success.
Relationships will lead to ingenuity and creativity and will allow the the individual to be inspired.
In This Section
Civic Domain
Exit Learner Outcomes
A civic-minded individual is a person who:
Demonstrates an understanding of civic roles and responsibilities.
Models the core values of the community.
Actively participates in civic and community service.
Effectively applies leadership and group process skills.
Advocates for the equal treatment of individuals and embraces diversity.
Understands and can articulate governmental responsibilities and structures at the community, state, federal, and world level.
Identifies, analyzes, and articulates positions on important issues and shares his/her position on how they might be treated.
Identifies global environmental issues and acts locally to create responsible, sustainable solutions.
Actively seeks to understand and resolve multi-cultural issues.
Articulates and defends the democratic form of government.
Is knowledgeable about the history of the United States and can articulate how our past has brought us to where we are today.
Adheres to the laws and works constructively for their change when necessary.
Takes an active role in the identification of community goals, and works toward their accomplishment.
Future Conditions
Political decision-making will require future-focused, informed citizens who are able to balance today’s needs.
Ethics will be critical to governmental leaders if they are to gain the trust of the people.
Technology will enable individuals to accomplish more, both personally and professionally, allowing more time to partake in civic responsibilities.
Technology will continue to be an important component of civic responsibility, providing immediate information access, more resources, and seamless transactions.
Civic responsibilities should be viewed as both an opportunity and obligation.
Citizens of all ages will be required to meet the civic needs of their community if the community is to be healthy and vibrant.
Today’s technology creates a stronger focus on global issues, detracting from the focus on local activities.
The diversification of our population will create both strengths and conflicts.
Globalization has created a need to communicated with and work with diverse races, religions and cultures.
The US is a world of power and must continually redefine its responsibilities.
The fear of terrorism is being used to gain political power.
Citizens demand to increased services, and budgets are limited.
Technology allows for participation in governmental decisions from home.
All citizens need to be empowered to produce civic success.
Our society must continue to balance personal liberties and the need for security.
Global Domain
Exit Learner Outcomes
A global citizen is a person who can…
Determine reliability of information within an ever-changing arena of technology.
Engage in cross-cultural communication skills in the digital age.
Anticipate and identifies global issues and created responsible, sustainable solutions.
Develop proactive solutions for the issues faced by the world community.
Evaluate and synthesizes how the impact of history has influenced the current global economy.
Evaluate how a variety of political and economic systems interacts in the world of today and tomorrow.
Write, listen, analyze, evaluate, and speak effectively to trends and issues in our global, political, and economic systems.
Demonstrate tolerance in a diverse global community.
Identify and analyze how the competition for global resources has and will continue to determine world events.
Use technology to understand the world, to communicate internationally, and to conduct business.
Articulate the impacts that historical world events have had on our current global community.
Describe how different political and economic systems work and how they interact in today’s world.
Analyze and define his/her role in the global community and is flexible in that role.
Future Conditions
Rapid globalization of economics and culture has made our world smaller.
The world is becoming even more divided between “haves” and “have-nots”.
Technology has “flattened” the world, allowing individuals and groups from anywhere to compete globally; everyone can have access to information in real time.
Today’s news cycle is immediate and continuous.
Physical and digital terrorism and criminal activity will continue to be factors influencing world leaders.
Today’s absence of tolerance and acceptance of others’ values impacts our world.
World population growth will continue to affect both developed and underdeveloped nations.
Jobs will go where costs are lowest and quality is satisfactory.
Countries with rapidly growing economies must deal with their pollution problems.
A global economy exists, and business will continue to be done from anywhere at anytime.
The deteriorating world environment has become a significant issue everywhere.
Rapidly changing means of communication in the digital world are changing how countries view each other.
The competition for global resources has and will continue to determine world events.
Cultural Domain
Exit Learner Outcomes
A life-long learner is a person who…
Analytically and objectively judges what is good, valuable, and true, and acts on those beliefs, values and judgements.
Uses the latest advances in technology to access the wealth of cultural resources.
Recognizes that culture is both deeply rooted in the past, yet ever-revolving.
Analyzes, synthesizes, evaluates, and creates cultural messages effectively.
Is aware of global dynamics and the role that culture plays in world politics.
Understands, respects, and is actively involved in cultural traditions.
Recognizes cultural achievements.
Recognizes, understands, and appreciates the various cultures of the world.
Recognizes and attempts to understand diverse points of view.
Studies, appreciates, takes part in the arts, and participates in his/her cultural community.
Works effectively in diverse settings and with diverse people.
Chooses a culturally rich lifestyle based on deeply held personal beliefs and values.
Future Conditions
Technology has the power to make many cultural experiences available to everyone at any time.
Growing technology will continue to diminish the demand for live performances.
The world’s cultural diversity and richness must be embraced.
Technology and globalization will combine to broaden cultural experiences and expose individuals to the diversity of our world.
Diversity will continue in America – viewed as a problem by some, and as a strength by others.
Technology will dramatically affect people’s awareness and knowledge of our world, and will allow cultures to see, share, and learn from one another.
The United States will continue to be a contributor to global contemporary culture.
Our world will continue to be culturally diverse and a culturally rich place in which to live.
Economic Domain
Exit Learner Outcomes
A quality producer and informed consumer is a person who…
Knows himself/herself well enough to identify a work life in which he/she will find meaning, purpose, and intrinsic motivation.
Is a respectful and professional digital citizen who is aware of the digital world personally and professionally.
Understands the interconnectivity of the global marketplace and how it works.
Can articulate the basic tenets of capitalism and can apply them to his/her present circumstances and his/her vision for the future.
Creates, innovates, and contributes to the world market place.
Understands the potential impact of personal financial decisions.
Demonstrates basic skills and problem-solving abilities to make sound financial decisions.
Strives to exceed expectations with respect to quality work.
Can identify a business opportunity and write a business plan that meets loan application standards.
Is resourceful and reflective in how he/she works and strives to improve continuously.
Communicates effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Demonstrates characteristics of a self-motivated, flexible, and self-directed worker.
Manages and invests financial resources to meet life’s needs.
Is a highly motivated, self-directed, flexible, and empowered worker or entrepreneur.
Considers and acts upon the moral, ethical, and environmental ramifications of business decisions and activities.
Is a lifelong learner, keeping himself/herself competitive in a rapidly changing world and a changing job market.
Future Conditions
The future holds a more service-based and knowledge-based economy.
Customers will continue to have high expectations for customized, high-quality products and services that are readily, if not immediately , available through increased personal technology.
The pace of technology will continue to expand so that nearly all business will be transacted from any place and at any time.
“Knowledge work” continues to be accessible from any location, and reliable workers will continue to have flexible work environments.
The fluidity of the global job market requires learners to develop multiple skill sets.
Today’s high-wage jobs will go to agile workers with high-level thinking skills, entrepreneurial visions, those who work with little supervision, and those who can assume leadership roles.
Empowered people are productive and are a competitive requirement in today’s economy.
Leaders will be expected to work effectively with multi-generational and multi-cultural teams.
There is little loyalty or job security in today’s workplace. Workers must keep their skills sharp and be ready for their next job interview.
Much knowledge work can be done from any location, and reliable workers must be given a great deal of flexibility in their work location and hours.
Collaborative and cross-functional work teams will be required to solve tomorrow’s complex problems.
The economy has gone global, creating a good deal of cultural diversity in today’s workplace.
A significant and growing number of people will become free agents working for self rather than organization.
An increased number of entrepreneurs are starting their own businesses and will continue to contribute much to global job growth.
An increased number of women are starting their own businesses and will continue to contribute much to America’s job growth.
The responsibility for long-term financial security is with the individual.
Learning Domain
Exit Learner Outcomes
A self-directed, life-long learner is a person who:
Improves continuously by setting and accomplishing personal learning goals.
Acquires, analyzes, organizes, evaluates, and synthesizes information from a variety of sources and applies it to effectively solve problems.
Approaches new situations with a growth mindset.
Is intrinsically motivated and seeks new learning opportunities.
Writes, speaks, and listens effectively for academic, technical, and personal purposes with a variety of audiences.
Reads to understand print material, consumer information, electronic media, and literature.
Learns through self awareness and by reflecting on life experiences.
Identifies bias, propaganda, and dishonesty in all forms of media.
Seeks information from multiple sources to make decisions.
Researches and forms opinions regarding current trends and issues.
Transfers information to new situations and communicates new learning to others.
Creates and pursues purposeful learning goals that incorporate risk-taking and challenge.
Utilizes reflective practices for personal, intellectual, and social growth.
Shares his/her learning experiences with others by teaching and modeling.
Future Conditions
We are living in a rapidly changing world.
A successful personal and professional life will continue to demand authentic lifelong learning.
Much of the information in the media and on the internet may be biased and/or inaccurate. Analyzing the validity and accuracy of information in all forms of media will become even more critical.
The world is changing rapidly; much of what is learned will quickly become obsolete, and much of what learners will encounter has yet to be created.
Innovation, problem solving, and developing new skills will increasingly become the responsibility of the individual. It will be critical that everyone have a growth mindset.
Learning will be more flexible and customized to the needs and personal choices of individuals.
Technology and the internet will continue to provide powerful tools for learning. Online learning, customized to the learner, is available on nearly every topic of interest.
Global connections through technology will enable and enhance collaborative learning.